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2024 | OriginalPaper | Hoofdstuk

6. Teleconsultation

Auteurs : Dr. Liam Beedling, Tyler Cookson, H.BSc, Hons. BSc Karen Barlow, O.C., O.Ont, MB BS, PhD, FRCSC Mehran Anvari

Gepubliceerd in: The Technical Principles of Endoscopic Surgery

Uitgeverij: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum


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The use of telemedicine has dramatically changed many parts of surgical care, from pre-operative assessments to post-operative follow-up, and even surgical procedures themselves. This chapter highlights how telemedicine is currently used in medical practices, including remote patient monitoring and mobile health applications, and how this may affect the relationship between the physician and the patient. Moreover, the chapter describes how healthcare providers can use telemedicine to consult with each other to facilitate interdisciplinary care. Importantly, the principal limitations of telemedicine and its future directions in the field of surgery are discussed, including opportunities for distance education and remotely performed surgeries.
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Dr. Liam Beedling
Tyler Cookson, H.BSc
Hons. BSc Karen Barlow
O.C., O.Ont, MB BS, PhD, FRCSC Mehran Anvari
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum